3 steps to being a writer

I have the last of this triplet of books to add to my collection. I’ve been lucky enough to do several writing and dream workshops with Jenny and I can guarantee that you won’t regret buying her books. She has a lovely style of writing and much wisdom to impart.

Jenny Alexander's blog: Writing in the House of Dreams

I was going on tour with my three books for writers. I opened my well-travelled, old-fashioned suitcase and there they were, just the books, looking bright and colourful against the black satin lining. I felt very proud of them.

I had this deeply pleasurable dream a few weeks ago, when I was emailing publications to see if they would like a review copy of my upcoming book, Free-Range Writing: 75 Forays for the Wild Writer’s Soul, and pitching ideas for articles. (I’m happy to report that Mslexia has accepted a copy for review and I’ve placed an article on free-range writing in the Writers’ News Christmas edition).

Usually, I have to put my shoulder to the wheel and get on with it, when it comes to promoting new books, but promoting this one feels joyful. I want to shout about it, partly because it’s my first brand new book in…

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